Tuesday, October 5, 2010

To Utah

There were a couple of boarding houses between the subdivision and northern Utah, but I thought I'd do a whole riff on those. We had a little house outside of Logan. I looked like this except it was white. We had very little furniture and didn't really unpack a lot of the boxes we brought. I brought all of my books. I thought we were going to live there a while. Marti decided to bred the Miniature Schnauzer and we had puppies by winter. They all broke out of the pen or were stolen and so the money making scheme didn't work. I think they were stolen. I walked and walked out across the fields covered with snow and found absolutely no trace of them.

Before it snowed, the grew hay around us and harvested it two or three times. I had a major allergic reaction, the only time I was ever in pain from hay. I also lost a whole lot of weight, because I was told I was eating too much and we couldn't afford that much money for food.

After the snow came in September, our truck started not starting in the cold mornings and our neighbor had to pull us out to get us going. Marti, it turned out didn't finish her requirements for her BA from I.U. and so the job with the Logan Park & Rec never happened and she ended up waiting tables again. I changed me major to Allied Arts Ed because I was convinced that there were too many English teachers in the world, but I was lousy at Shop and Woodworking and probably wouldn't have done it anyway. I worked 12 different jobs in eight months.

The whole thing was a big mistake. We moved into town in the last few months there, but it didn't help matters any. We rented a spare room to a girl that didn't pay her rent and then moved out.

I did climb Mt. Logan. I did have my consciousness raised by going to encounter groups at the school. Did begin to learn about self acceptance which really took me another ten years before it began to sink in. Probably would have done all that anyway, where ever I was. Except for Mt. Logan. There was a girl that I was supposed to meet in NYC the following year, but it never happened. Anna is still in Utah.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

last few days our class held a similar discussion on this subject and you show something we haven't covered yet, appreciate that.

- Laura