Sunday, October 24, 2010

Random Things

During the time in Tucson, the ex- became involved with the community of Sikhs again. She began wearing the white outfit and going to morning yoga (which really was a form of morning mass for these folks.) There was a lady who had just had a baby and was living in the ashram. I can't remember where the husband/father was. Maybe he wasn't around or off in India studying or maybe he had no backbone and was hiding. Anyway, the lady became close with my ex- and she was over to the house a bit. This is a picture of her and her baby with my older daughter checking it out. The powers that be at the ashram decided that she wasn't a fir mother- not sure why and they threatened to take her baby away from her, so she came to stay at our house rather than let that happen. The ashram folks were afraid of me, since I'm such a big guy, but I also told the guy that showed up to take her back, that I would beat the shit out him if he touched her or her baby. I had a temper then, particularly when riled up for the underdog. They let her be. She stayed with us about two weeks. Then the ashram changed its mind and decided they wouldn't try to separate her and her child, so she felt all right about going back.

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