Tuesday, October 26, 2010

More Refugees


I shouldn't give him a plug here, but he does fit the category. I had a little apartment in Venice, but was spending my weekends in Santa Monica at a lady friend's apartment. So when he asked to come visit, it didn't seem such a big deal. But, he didn't have any money. So he stayed about a month, I fed him. He cleaned the grout in my shower. He took off, I forget where, probably to Mexico and left his computer with me until he got settled again. I eventually shipped it back to him in Texas. I knew him from New Orleans when we were kids. We drank and chased women. I was in love with his wife. One of those things, you just let go of after a while when it becomes apparent its just a one way street. (He came back again when got hired by "Road Rules" as the Mexico guide, but this time he had some money and thought he was going to start a Hollywood career. Some woman came and got him to take him back to Texas again.)

I get to plug my poetry site now, cause there's a poem there:


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