Monday, January 18, 2010

Nothing to do with walking -but it does

A History of Reading
by Alberto Manguel

Since I'm recommending books, let me say this is a incredibly good read as well. He was a reader (very young) for Borges after he went blind. I ran into Bob Aber ( my wheelchair bound Cerebral Palsy psychologist, writer, friend in a thrift store up by Cantor's on Fairfax in LA) (That is a story unto itself) Anyway we were talking and found we had both read this. It's a wonderful book as well. Sheer indulgence. Like reading a literary biography of your favorite author. This is connected slightly. I do a mini-walk on Saturday mornings up around Cantor's while my daughter is doing her literary thing. Hit three thrift stores, look for Bob, look in Canter's and a funky bookstore up there that seldom does any business, but is very cool, but won't carry my book. Go back to pick up the daughter. She drives us back home now. Recommended it to her, but she is young. She did carry The Odyssey to France with her for the year she was there, so she's ok. 

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