Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Martha Doesn't Get The Last Word


You may find that you will get a lot of reactions like this. I would suggest that you leave out the word "promising' in your responses. Please remember that the relationships with the writers will pretty much conform to the allegory of the fox and the hound. The writer, no matter how bad or how good, is running for his or her life. You are running for your dinner. And don't offer suggestions. I never respond to rejections if they are done in a professional manner. Please don't provide copies of your notes: you had already decided you didn't want the book, your associate decided to reject on the basis 'that it might be boring'

All this just confirms my final impression of you and your agency.

Sorry, you don't get the last word.


All of this is sad, don't you think. I feel bad now.

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