Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I just love

being told that I'm wrong.

1. That I should wear a helmet when I ride my bike.
2. That I should play banjo with my pinky firmly planted on the skin below the strings.
3. That I should use a capo
4. That I should publish my book with a real publisher
5. That I should write in a cast of thousands into my little low budget theater play. (I didn't have enough policemen on stage for it to be realistic.)
6. That I write about child molestors
7. That I should kiss ass
8. That I don't really believe in god (I don't- )
9. That Republicans are stupid people
10. That I don't do what the doctor ordered
11. That I cut up photos of women to create colleges because I hate women
12. That men who want to express feminine behavior hate women
13. That because your wife has joined a cult, you are the oppressor
14. That I've written a book that tells you the end at the beginning
15. That I've written a book that's hard to read
16. That I'm not ready yet
17. That I'm too big

That's probably enough for now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post, nobody likes being told what to do or that they're wrong.

Your wife joined a cult? What's up with that?