Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Ok, so I didn't crack a rib. I didn't break anything. A scrapped shin and elbow. I thumped my back something fierce. Why wasn't I wearing a helmet? Because I never do. I twisted so I wouldn't hit my head and landed mostly on the lower right part of my back. It been hurting all weekend and Monday I went to the ER to make sure I didn't do anything else besides what I felt. They gave me a prescription for pain meds. I haven't been able to sleep all night without meds. And now the meds are making me bound up. It is getting a little better. I've been driving to work and back. Managed to bring my Banjo in and take it to McCabe's and pick it up from McCabe's the next day. A tuner peg broke and I decided it was time for a new set of strings. (The only time in its little boy life that it's ever had a new set, me thinks.)  The bike survived. It got two new pedals. The reason I crashed was that one pedal snapped off as I was climbing a very big hill. Serves me right- the pedals were the original ones that were as old as the frame (maybe 20 years old). I need a shop to take me to get me a couple of new back muscles. I don't like feeling aches and pains. Mama!

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