Tuesday, August 23, 2011

L.A.C.E.S. Fundraising

All three of my bears went to a school in LA called the Los Angeles Center for Enriched Studies, it was a Magnet College Prep School part of LA Unified Schools. Grades 6 to 12. High quality education- all the kids were driven off to college. Anyway, it didn't look like this when we first got there. What Television did to this School later after I was gone Anyhow, it was run down and very worn out, as was the Principal and the parent organization. A few years before one of the parents was a member of Hiroshima, a jazz fusion groups that had some hit albums in the eighties. They had put on a concert and it earned the parent group big bucks. They tried to it the following year without the band and they lost money. We attended the concert and they had a weak little Silent Auction and I went afterward and offered to do the auction the next year. They said great. So I pumped it up one more time. Passed out thing to parents, did a mailing and actually put a pretty good one together despite the general lack of help from any other parent. So I was ready I went to tell them how I was going to conduct it, and they told me they didn't like it and I wasn't to do it that way. I wanted to set it up outside so the concert goers could wander over and bid on things, and so I could hear the music as well. They refused. I got mad and told them I wasn't going to do it then, I arranged it all, took it to the school and handed it off to the Student Leadership to run and they stuck it in the cafeteria so 'nothing would be stolen' It made five thousand. The event itself lost five thousand. And ass##$ that ran the parent group didn't bat an eye. I tried the following year, to get the parent group to pass a bylaw saying that events that lost money shouldn't be repeated, and needed review and approval of a majority before even a consideration of proceeding. It didn't go anywhere. The chief ass##$ died suddenly a year later. I didn't miss the pompous pa-toot  And you would think I'd be done with all of this.

That the entrance to the Art Room above

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