Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Odd Jobs- Forgot One

I was given an entire little town a few miles from Logan, Utah as my territory. This was the day job in between classes at Utah State. So I would wander the streets with my little kit and knock on doors. There were a lot of housewives in those days. I'd compliment them on their looks or how wonderful their house looked. I sold a case of wood cleaner/ polish by telling a lady how wonderful her woodwork was. There was a retired couple who who sit out at a table in their driveway and drink lemonade. They always gave me some and had me sit and do my speel. They bought very little- I think I was the afternoon entertainment. I'd go to the town square and eat my lunch under a big tree and talk to a Vietnam vet in a wheelchair who hung around there. After a couple of months, I realized the money I was making from the sales just covered my gas to get there and back and my lunch. So it was a bit of a waste of time, but it was a slow and peaceful little town that was quite pretty. It was basic 101 of sales. 

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