Tuesday, June 15, 2010

What they took

Don't believe them. We had just closed escrow in a new house and sold our old one and the new owners of the old one wanted the house tented. Ok. The tenting people assured us everything would be safe, exposure to the gas for just a few seconds would make an intruder violently ill. So we packed up our food and left for the weekend. Guess what. Luckily, my wife had put her jewelry box in the bottom of the dirty clothes hamper. They took our tvs, cameras, radios, the liquor in the house, the kids' piggy banks and a pair of my size 15 tennis shoes. The people living in the gang house across the street didn't come out for a week. We assumed they were sick from the gas. The insurance covered a very large tv for the new house.
I'm not sure how they got the shoes out the window. I still miss the manual 35 MM film camera they took.
I had remodeled the one car garage out back into a studio space and that's where the computer and all my books were. They didn't go back there.

The gas did effectively do in a big bougainvillea bush next to my studio, which was a shame. The neighbors loaned us a little portable tv so the kids could watch Sesame Street until we moved away.

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