June 2010 Dear Literature Lover,
You’ve ordered books through Small Press Distribution and I want to thank you.
When you purchase a book through SPD, you do much more than simply order a book. You help support a fragile ecosystem of small literary presses committed to making great literature available; not just “bestsellers.” The SPD family of publishers—nearly four hundred independent, mostly non-profit organizations—are not driven by a bottom line; only a love of literature and a devotion to publishing it. SPD brings that literature to you.
Please contribute to SPD—only the support of readers like you makes our mission possible.
It’s only through SPD that thousands of writers of poetry, experimental fiction, creative non-fiction, works in translation, and other kinds of literature not supported by mainstream publishing to reach readers like you. And, like most of the publishers we support, SPD operates as a non-profit organization. In fact, we are now the only non-profit distributor of literary books in the entire country.
Without SPD, most of these literary books could never reach their readers.
As far as we’re concerned, until a book reaches a reader’s hands, it hasn’t been published—it’s merely been printed. SPD plays an important role in the publishing process. By offering national distribution to smaller publishers we ensure that these most important books can actually get to their intended readers. SPD provides absolutely essential access to books not readily available anywhere else. We make literary publishing possible.
You will play an active role in the publishing process through your Friend support of SPD.
Literature needs your help. Your single gift to SPD helps us bring the work of hundreds of publishers representing thousands of writers to the world. Please make your next Friend of SPD gift today.
Thank you in advance for your continued support and have a great summer!
Jeffrey Lependorf, Executive Director
Except they will not represent self-published authors or the homeless I suppose.
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