Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Things We Keep

The secrets of holiday decoration. I had one of these, I've had it for years. Quite a few years ago, I surprised my wife by getting and putting up Christmas lights on the house. She loved it and I knew what I was doing and knew then I would have to do it again every year until I died. I say I had one, because I took it to a school down in Wilmington and forgot it and suddenly realized I never brought it back with me. I really only use it once a year. We have a large house, and only one outside outlet. I discovered that the front of the house needs a lot of strands of lights and there is a limit on how many you can plug in together and I have found I have to put the lights on two separate strands with two separate plugs if I don't want to go out several times and replace strands. The first couple of years, I ran the second strand, on the side of the house where there is no outlet, on an extension cord through our bathroom window to an outlet in the bathroom. You have to leave the window ajar and it gets cold and you have an orange extension cord running across your mirror. So what I have done for most of the years, is throw this 80' extension cord from our one outside outlet, across the roof, to the other corner of the house. and plug in our second strand that way. Except this year. The Dad of the Scout's Eagle Project at the Wilmington school may have it in his garage. He's looking. I guess I'll just have to buy another. Merry Christmas!

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