Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Just Like In The Movies (Werst Boss #3)

Just like in the movie (Lost In America) where the guy ends up working in a fast food place for a 15 year old. I had worked in restaurants from age 14. I was married, 18, and had just moved to Logan, Utah. In my second year in college. My wife took a waitress job at The Lofthouse Cafe when her job with the city rec department fell through. The owner was Joyner Lofthouse. The only thing they had open was a job busing tables. So there's me 6' 7" busing tables and all the busboys answered to the cooks, because that was how you became a cook- you started out as a busboy and worked your way up. The head cook was a 16 year old petty tyrant that had slaved to get ahead in the world. I got out of there as soon as I could. I think I stayed only a month. It didn't matter that I had cooked for three years and had been an assistant manager back home in Indiana. The bosses at the Del Monte Canning Factory were a step up. I was told there I couldn't keep a paper back book in my hip pocket and my last shift there they told me I'd never work for Del Monte again. This kid would have hired me back.

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