Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Parent Fiasco #1

I decided that we needed to go camping. The twin bears were pre-kindergarden- don't remember exactly how old they were. We borrowed some stuff and I bought a tent and off we went. Left the baby at home. When we checked in, the ranger warned us about mountain lions. Apparently one had been spotted. My wife was reassured. We had a nice hike and a campfire and dinner and then put the two to bed in the tent with water bottles in case they got thirsty in the night. I borrowed a pup tent from a friend that turned out not to be long enough, so I positioned it under a card table to protect my head. They proceeded to spill the contents of one bottle all over their tent, soaking their sleeping bags and all of their clothes. After momentary consideration, we had to pack everything up and drive back home in the middle of the night since there was nothing else to do. I threw everything into the back of the van and spent the entire next day untangling the whole mess.

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