Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Last One Left, But Seemed Concerned

There will always be one bear that is the perfect bear. King Lear's daughter. She knows too much, cares too much, and leaves no stone unturned. She will be the fabric of my life much later, I'm sure, when I'm howling at the moon in the madness of my old age. Anyway, she's gone.

I have just laid 250 feet of baseboard in my house today. I am very sore and tired. I decided that its the detail that makes the place.

This is it basically. About the color of the walls too.

Why, do you ask? Because I have a strong aesthetic about place. I will never be able to afford it, but I can create it myself. Come visit. It is all allusion anyway. (But a friend, years ago, upon seeing what I was doing with my workspace (a rebuilt garage, built into a studio) was green and green and green.

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