Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Box 16 of 36 or so

Right now, the task of trying to write Helena's biography seems overwhelming. Even if I was funded and had a year sabbatical, it would be a lot to chew off. 
Box 16
•             Gilder, Helena de Kay
o             Talk: "Caricature" Given to Wednesday Afternoon Club
o             Talk: "The Complications of Modern Society"
o             Poem: "Hilda"
o             Talk: "Joseph Jefferson" Given to Wednesday Afternoon Club
o             Article: "A Letter on Women's Suffrage". Pamphlet and reprint, includes additional writings on   women's suffrage
o             Article: "Mary Hallock Foote" for The Book Buyer, Aug. 1894
o             Prose and sketches: "The Pansy Book, made by Helena De Kay for Mary Hallock"
o             Article: "R[obert] Lincoln" 1913
o             Poem: "Shakspere vs. Bacon" With note: "Delivered before the Prof. of Yale in reply to Ignatius Donelly's [sic] Criptogram"
o             Talk: "Shelley" Given to Wednesday Afternoon Club
o             Book: concerning Theodore Rousseau
o             Notebook of poetry and prose
o             Notes after Richard W. Gilder's death
o             Miscellaneous untitled writings and notes

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