Thursday, August 12, 2010

Ghosts of Christmas Past

This is the Lilly Library in Bloomington (my home town) This is where the Gilder MSS are stored, where the Ian Fleming MSS are stored. Eli Lilly, (the medicine company and founder and endow-mentor) was a great book collector and MSS collector. Bloomington also boasts of the largest collection of pornography in the world as the collection of the Kinsey Sex Institute. 

Check out the collection:

If you order copies, please request that the student that copies look at what they are doing. The last batch of 40 pages had 15 that were barely readable. But who am I to complain. I've been sitting on an almost unreadable copy I printed off a lousy microfilm copy from the NYC Library and microfilm machine that USC had. It was primarily unreadable because of Helena's handwriting.

A place of old age fantasies. A place to sit at a desk in an old Tudor style house and look at the garden beyond and dream of the lives you've never had. Helena's daughter typed up the letters from Helena and Molly Foote. That is probably enough to base a biography on. I wasn't ever thinking of a large book. There's pictures and artwork to fill it out. Even some of Helena's artwork is here.

Wonder if they will let me play my banjo on the front steps.

Below is the latest fantasy of Bloomington. Had I known? Anyone see "Breaking Away?"

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