Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Very Last Fundraiser

A success story

There was one fundraiser I did before this last one, but I've never ever done anything in order. The two older bears were graduated from the high school. The youngest one when off to France her sophomore year -and she was in the LACES school which is a Magnet School and you can't really leave a Magnet School and come back after a year and get back in easily. However, they liked her and we were active, so they kept her on the roll for the year she went off to France. I felt like I should do something to show my appreciation and benefit the school, so I volunteered to do the food at the Silent Auction thingee. One of my bear's friend's mother and I partnered up. We got the cooking students to make lasagna for hundreds, we got donations for salads and asked parents to bring desserts and whatever. Got the grocery store to cough up script that we used for supplies - and I made 200 stuffed mushrooms. We worked our tails off all evening with heating and refilling the lasagna and salads and we had students serving things up and carrying out the mushrooms. I was also good friends with the bartender, who kept supplying me with rum and cokes all evening, that I think to this day that kept getting stronger as the evening went on. At the end I was flying higher than a kite in a hurricane. My wife dragged me out before I fell over. It was all great fun. 

1 comment:

Rosaliene Bacchus said...

Your post reminds me of my days of working in fundraising fairs for our schools and churches back home in Guyana. It was hard work but lots of fun.

No alcohol allowed though :-)