Thursday, February 4, 2010

Memorable Characters

In Junior High I graduated from Doc Savage, Man of Bronze reprinted pulps from the fifties to Edgar Rice Burroughs Mars books. John Carter with Dejah is pictured above. I had heard that a movie was finally being made and discovered there's a trilogy in the works, with high budget special effects and 12 foot tall four armed green warriors and flying ships and naked princesses. Its not too late to start reading these: 

11 John Carter of Mars: John Carter and the Giant of Mars
    John Carter of Mars: Skeleton Men of Jupiter
Its much better than Tarzan. I gave them to my son and he read them all. A buddy and me in High School made a Martian Chess Set and played  for a about a year. I learned writing structure from this guy. Short and sweet scenes- stop when you're done.

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