Saturday, September 4, 2010

The Third One (or The Second One)

The other one is a full blown tale about a Purchasing Agent for a large unnamed university who is almost disabled from Parkinson's and is being laid off in the midst of a huge janitor strike. A women he's had the hots for, for years, has been laid off and so her kids can't get free tuition any longer. He's got friends in high places because he buys toys for all the bigwigs. And he knows who pulls the strings and knows who is responsible for laying off all of the university's janitors. So he decides he's going to assassinate the evil person at commencement. He is saved at the end by the slug people that work as gophers for the bigwigs. And he doesn't actually kill anyone- he gets to the point where he can do it, but doesn't. He fades away into the Parkinson's delusions or dreams at the end like death has come to claim him.

There was a Michael Douglas movie about an engineer who loses his job and then his car and he tries to walk home and ends up with a gun... something like that but sweeter.

All three of these could be full blown, probably dark books. All are based on personal stuff (Ah, really?) A friend thinks I need to write a book with a happy ending. I think all three will have an up ending, although not necessarily a happy one.

The next step for me is to start compiling scenes and see if they add up to a book.


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