Friday, September 17, 2010

Friday Night

She's pregnant. She starts throwing up every morning, upon arriving in Paris Illinois from New Orleans. The bottom of the end of 2nd act comes with her being thrown out of the church she tried to join. The friendly old guy gets drunk and confesses her rape to her, which she doesn't remember because she was drunk (at 17). And she has to have a C section which she passes out in the middle of it and wakes up in the middle of the night in a little two bit country hospital where no one is on duty and she doesn't know what happened to the baby.

This about building a life out of ruins.

I've got a long way to go in thinking about it. There is a villain here- a mystery of her mother to solve, and her father. Her mother killed someone- who was it if it wasn't her father?

You guys know Dürrenmatt?

Check out

Sort of the inspiration- sort of not. Nothing so blatant..

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