Thursday, September 30, 2010

Almost Houses

This is an image that is a result of a goggle search for residential search for houses in Bloomington Indiana.  This is sick. Why wouldn't a search of this sort turn up pictures of houses? Anyway, there was a house, a block north of the main drag through Bloomington, Ind. near the south end of town that my girl friend and her two roommates shared in 1969. They had made home made wine in their basement. I was Unca Dan to the dogs that lived in the house. My best friend, Jim Hauser, was welcome. I never really slept in this house, but Marti and I smoked and talked and played chess and drank wine here until 1971. The other girls loved me, and encouraged me in my endeavors. They all hoped that Marti would love me as they wished they would love me. It wasn't meant to be. The only thing that bonded us, was that she wished that I was she and she was me, and I wished that I was her.  She also had a photographic memory which has also been mistaken for a sign of great intelligence. Never argue with someone who can repeat verbatim any argument you have ever had. The whole thing was a great mistake. But the thing about it was, we played great chess. And we smoked like chimneys. And we were married and divorced  eighteen months later. A sad tale of want-to-bes that never were. 

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