Friday, June 28, 2013


I'm certainly not alone in my life these days, but I am playing alone now and it looks like I'm going backpacking for a week for the first time by myself. I had two periods in my life when I lived alone. 1972 to 1977 and 1982 to 1987. There were friends and lovers in those times, but on Sunday I was back at the apartment or the house or where ever I was living and doing laundry or painting (I used to like the light in my little apartment in Venice in the afternoons and so refused invitstions so I could lie on the floor on my belly and work on oil paintings.) In my hitchhiking days I used to sing and whistle on the side of the road. I can recall cleaning the windows in my studio apartment in New Orleans singing at the top of my lungs.The neighbor stopped by and said I seemed to be enjoying myself. I spend hours a day by myself- at work -at home- practicing, writing, balancing the books.

I'm actually looking forward to the silence of a week. It's supposed to be very pretty up there. I'll bring back videos.

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