Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Fishbowl Tapes

I've written about the studio apartment on Louisiana Avenue in Nawlins that was just all windows and had two big walk through windows out to the front porch. (It wasn't as fancy as the above, but if you imagine the two big walk through windows to the right, you get the idea) I had some boards and bricks and the Bookstore gave me free books every week. I had a big desk built from a door and some add-on legs and a chair that wasn't tall enough so I stacked the seat with a layer of books and put a pillow on top of that. I had a thick white carpet that slept on. I had picked a little turntable console somewhere for cheap and was buying LPs second hand. I found Judy Mayhan and Tom T. Hall albums and I almost forgot BB King.
These were the songs played before I would sit and write. (1975ish or so) I was all over the map as usual

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