Friday, July 2, 2010

And Then He Died (More Dark Side)

My father that is. My brother was named executor in the will. I was not mentioned (He never really believed I was his son anyway- even though I'm the one that looks like him the most). I was tiling my front porch on our little house in Venice (with blue grout). I decided I had to go- I didn't think my brother could figure out the estate and I didn't trust him to do it right. Good thing too, he would have just handed the whole thing over to a lawyer and we would have gotten really screwed as opposed to a little screwed. (If I thought he would read this, I wouldn't have written it here) So we went. The ex son-in-law of the woman he killed, turned out to be our share cropper and was close and believed everything ole Dad told him. The ex-wife daughter of the dead woman hated Dad and was surprised when we invited her over to take anything she wanted of her mother's from the apartment.

I missed the funeral thankfully because I woulda whipped it out and peed on the mound in front of everyone.
There was a very greasy guy that was ole Dad's sort of business partner and we set him up doing the grounds work on the cemetery we inherited as part of the estate. And there was a friendly old guy who was nice and had lots of gossip to share 

The old man told me where Dad (I can't really use that word in regards to him- his name was Glen) Glen probably buried his stash of drugs and pharmacy stuff he ripped off from Eli Lilly over the 20 years he worked for them. I don't know if he was using or not, or just had weird fantasies connected with the stolen drugs. When we were kids he was trying to invent a wonder drug and was selling the stuff to others for money.

The story was that Glen and his wife had a fight and she took her jewelry box and left, in her nightgown, and was found later murdered in a corn field. Her jewelry box was missing. The sleaze ball lawyer we talked to that he hired for defense said the woman probably had it coming and that Glen had brought him evidence -either the murder weapon or the jewelry box- and then took it away again.

The drugs were buried out behind the cemetery, the friendly old man told us. I'm sure the evidence is buried there too.

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