Tuesday, July 30, 2013

I'm not ready to give up on this

This is actually a photo of some dude on Pier 39 in SF. There are states of being like this. Somewhere. Venice has always been been Venice. Hard and mean at times. I'm looking at the Santa Monica Pier. There's a permit you can get for Redondo Pier and I've never ever seen anyone down there playing. I ain't ready to give up. There was a picture in the little Santa Monica throwaway paper on Monday of a couple of twenty somethings playing on the Santa Monica pier. You never ever see anyone doing that there. You got to find your space. I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dan, sounds like you have a good plan. The Redondo Beach pier is tame in comparison to your Venice boardwalk story below - plus, now there are random assholes running down people there for no reason. You'll probably have fun at the Redondo Beach pier, and they have a nice parking structure. Also hope the Santa Monica pier works out for you.