Dreams are really just an echo of the day. A couple days ago after a run in at work, I dreamt of a dragon in our living room and the difficulty of getting it outside without it destroying anything. Last night it was going to some Boy Scout thing where there was supposed to be a pick-up basketball game of the adults (parents) and I figured what the hoot (I'm 6'7"). Well, in my dream, I was the shortest guy. There were these 6'10" guys, all pro ball players that had showed up to show off for the Scout Troop- a lot like the rich parents do at school fund raisers- they show up, but then don't show up any other time. I walked away. (And woke up) It had a lot to do with feeling intimated (which I don't feel much) and worries about the bear getting his just due his last year playing for the college team and then the whole thing about the bears being young and now, perhaps, being faced with the reality of getting jobs after college and maybe having to put up with a life they haven't planned for or wanted. My expectations were lower (and much higher). The working world was just something you had to do, whether it was as a clerk or a fry cook or a truck driver. I thought my books would be published.
I hope it all works out. Me, I just walk away. I've always just walked away.
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