Saturday, August 18, 2012

This was a response to Romney#3
"Wow - well, Obams is a millionaire too, has done nothing for the past 3 1/2to help the millions of Americans without jobs, and has created the largest tax increase in history with a health care plan that was voted on by a Democratic majority Congress that hadn't even read the bill (and the CBO continues to raise its estimates of just how much more the deficit will cost future generations. With his intent to turn America into a Socialist European economy by taking away *your* choice on how you want to spend *your* money, who is the one that is truly expecting Americans to bow forward in tribute? If you had to physically write a check to the government each month instead of having taxes quietly taken out of your paycheck, you'd be protesting against the real threat, Obama"

I'm upper middle class, there are 6 digits in front of the decimal point. I'm willing to pay more taxes. I've personally, over the last 15 years fund raised about $200,000.00 for my kids schools. I donate my time to the Boy Scouts and to Community projects I went to Mexico with a Christian Church group to work on a summer camp for Mexican orphans. I don't have a Bachelors degree. I've been lucky because I'm very smart and can teach myself things.

I can't understand why anyone would complain about paying to teach children. I can't understand with anyone would complain about helping the elderly or the poor or the handicapped. I can't understand why anyone would complain about helping people that are stupider than you are. I got food stamps once, I went in and showed them on paper than my family could not survive on what they were giving us. They told me that the purpose was to make it hard so you would get a job and get off food stamps. So I got a second job and didn't tell them because they would take away any chance of surviving. I'm guilty of fraud- I'm one of those criminals the Tea Party tells you are stealing your money and your right to spend it.

You know, really, I think it comes down to me having an over sized ego and that I think I'm big enough and strong enough to help people and save people. Sorry.

Wait til you see the others I'm generated. I'm having fun. I've not been this political in years. I was out knocking on doors for McGovern.

Smile, it'll be over soon

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