Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Where I've Been

I left Friday morning at 3:30 am to hook up with a car that was leaving from Long Beach at 4:00 am to go to the place- its 90 miles south of Tijuana -past Encinada. The couple I rode with were in their twenties, married. He was a music teacher and part time construction worker and she was finishing her Masters in Marine biology. The other guy with was a little younger than me, with three high school kids at home.

I has tempted into this because it was working on a summer camp for kids- construction -stuff like that and I was promised by my buddy music at night around the campfire. It all came true. There were four groups. Four or five of us that worked for two and a half days building a canopy over their eating area for refuge against sun and rain. A bunch of folks that built chicken coops to give away to poor families (with chickens of course) and a a group that took the orphans from the orphan home to the beach and a group that worked a medical clinic. We did other outreach too. The guys went off to serve dinner at a rehab place for men and the women went off to do the same for a place for women. And we all ended up back at a fire circle at the end of each day.

The place was very raw and rustic. Needs a lot of work. I'll probably go back with the next trip in October, even though it was a lot of Jesus for me. I've volunteered to do a backpacking trip to Yosemite to do fundraising for them, if they want me. The video gives you a rough idea. I didn't actually see any kids - I was construction grunt for three days.

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