Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Well, They all came back the next night

Adventures in band. The first night, Sunday evening, the new guitarist, the two new ladies (Lost & Found) and  the fiddle player from San Fran and me and Craig started over basically. There was a set list for the gig on Saturday morning coming. We went through the songs. We were crazed. Trying to go through 10 songs with a group of people who haven't played much together, is like pulling teeth. We worked however. It was decided by all we'd come back the next night for one more try. The next night was very cool. We fooled around. They were all going to leave at 9:30. We got up to leave about 10 and then spend the next hour outside my studio door in the dark on the sidewalk showing each other yoga poses and holistic stretches. Craig can balance on one foot and point forward. The guitarist was demonstrating how to bend over and rise slowly to loosen the back up.
I showed them this:
which I've been able to do since I was 22. I worked as a printer's devil on a big two color printing press in New Orleans and you had to get into this position to clean the bottom set of rollers. The guitarist and one of the ladies hit it off and they are going off to some holistic healing thing in Santa Barbara.

Here are the two ladies. I filmed them and put them up on You Tube. Hope there will more
So far, this band has now lost 6 members along the way.

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