Tuesday, February 1, 2011


E---------------- - Inspiring Watermedia wih Collage Workshop
March 7-9, 2011 (9:30am - 4pm) — The splash and flow of juicy watercolor and acrylic paint coupled with the surprising shapes and textures added by collage you have prepared yourself can add excitement to your life and life to your art! E----- will lead you through techniques and thought processes designed to maximize your creativity and the individuality of your paintings. But, recognizing that a resolved work of art is more than chance and excitement, E---- will help you to complete your work through attention to composition and the principles of design. E------------ is a signature member of N-- and W------, as well as a seasoned teacher and published artist with many awards. $235.00

  What I could be doing. The second piece I ever sold was a collage I did in high school. (The first was a pencil drawing of a Frat house when I was in 8th grade- one of the guys that lived in the house bought it) When I was TA for a LAUSD Elementary School, I became the full time art teacher for the magnet 3rd grade. We did meaningful notebooks. The covers were magazines torn up in strips and glued back diagonally with spaces between each strip. Everyone loved them. I was even given the dubious distinction of being put in charge of the Holiday decorations in the auditorium for their big holiday show.                                         In another life, perhaps - after I get one where I'm writing all day.                                                                                                         

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